Visit Galatina
Friday 14 June2019

Pedagogia fa rima con Poesia

Circolo Levèra

-Pedagogy rhymes with Poetry-, Laboratory of creative pedagogy. At Levèra, in via Bellini 24 in Noha (Galatina). 10:00 am

-PEDAGOGIA FA RIMA CON POESIA- is a new nice project. At his service are Manuel Moscara, an educationalist, and Anna Damiani, a linguist. Besides having in common the love for their profession, they have the fundamental characteristic of uniting, they are mothers. Day after day they accidentally found themselves sharing this wonderful and contradictory journey from the belly to the school desks. They are, in a sense, grown together. And it is from this path of common growth, almost symbiotic at times, that the need arises to give a shape and a name to their ideas. A creative woman who with her hands can do magic as a fairy godmother and an eternal girl who loves to play with words. They are this. And this is their project, to put their knowledge and their ideas at the service of their little pupils. Through the use of soft and colorful materials children will be able to create the same objects that will then be the subject of nursery rhymes that they will learn to invent with the brain-storming technique and the use of the kissed rhyme. Simple word games that will teach them to play with their own language. Undisputed is the importance of manual work, which at times children are taken for granted by knowing how to carry out, through which they will not only be able to have fun but also to gain confidence and confidence in their practical skills.

The laboratories are aimed at children from 4 to 10 years old and will be activated with a minimum number of 5 participants. They will take place in Levèra (via Bellini 24 - Noha) in 4 consecutive meetings starting from Friday 14 June, from 10.00 to 11.30.

info and inscriptions: 3894250571 | 3283627424

Events created By: LEVERA  Via Bellini, 24 Noha Galatina

Levèra: an etymology that means to raise, to lift, to support, to pry, to blow . A strong wind rises and blows from the suburbs. A wind of inclusion, of rebirth, of possibility, of trust.

↓ Circolo Levèra