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Galatina in the time of the Coronavirus, responsibility and hope

It feels. The noise of the void is a deafening thud. It shows. The gray of nowhere is a slow millstone that crushes the dust. It warns. The fear of not knowing what will happen tomorrow has the weight of chains.
The coronavirus emergency has paralyzed our country by spreading its tentacles to the ends of the Earth. Italy is officially a protected area and any semblance of normality, which for days we have been trying to leave to our daily lives, is fading away.
Galatina, the nerve center of Salento in the fight against this crisis with its department of excellence for Infectious Diseases of the "S. Caterina Novella ”, she wakes up today in a climate muffled by tension, but she is asked for awareness and responsibility.
The limitations to our habits, which the Government had to impose in order not to leave the interpretation of the rules to free will, are not bars along a path of freedom, but indications to ensure that that path can be traveled by everyone.

“Sei libero davanti al sole di giorno
e libero davanti alle stelle di notte.
E sei libero quando non ci sono 
né sole, né luna, né stelle.

Sei libero persino quando
chiudi gli occhi
su tutto ciò che esiste.

Ma sei schiavo di chi ami
perché lo ami…”

We borrow Gibran's words to outline the present picture. We continue to be free women and men. The only slavery to which we must respond is that of love. We have a duty to respect the people we love, our neighbor, family members, friends, colleagues. We must act judiciously and conscientiously before the community. Only in this way will we return to serenity, to animate the deserted streets today and to live the moments of aggregation.
The physical distance that we must respect must not be transformed into hardness of heart, on the contrary, it must make us re-evaluate the importance of human relationships and the strength that we are able to generate by joining in our intentions.

We do not yet know when a concrete glimpse will be seen in the blanket generated by covid 19, but we are sure that everyone's patience will be rewarded by a new day.