Visit Galatina
Saturday 25 May2019

Corso Riflessologia Plantare e Aromaterapia

Antares Casarano School - Galatina and New Estetic Professional Aesthetic Distributor, Organize - Foot Reflexology Course and Aromatherapy -. Days 25-26-27-27 2019. In via Marcello Pepio in Galatina. 6:00 pm

Course aimed at understanding and experimenting methods of approach and use of Plantar Reflexology and Essential Oils, helping to learn a correct and more useful synergy for psycho-physical rebalancing.

The course will be held by the Naturopath: Chiara Fersini
Cost of the course € 250 including digital dispensation and certificate.

1 day
- Araomatherapy
- History of essential oils
- Extraction methods
- Chemistry
- Why essential oils work
- Topical, aromatic and internal application
- The dilution and carrier oils
- Emotional aromatherapy
- the 10 most used oils
- Practical applications

2 day
- History of reflexology
- Elements of Chinese medicine
- Districts and organs
- Practice on the foot

3 day
- In-depth analysis of the devices
- Evaluation and diagnosis of the foot
- Approach with aromatherapy
- Treatment with essential oils

In order to participate, you must register by paying a deposit at our office or electronically.
For other information you can contact us at: 3319176228 or by mail: