Visit Galatina
Tuesday 23 April2019

Giornata Mondiale Del Libro E Del Diritto D'autore

Biblioteca Pietro Siciliani

Civil Service - In reading 2017 - Galatina, organizer - World Book and Copyright -. At the P. Siciliani Library, Piazza Dante Aligheri 51. 9:00 am

April is definitely a book month: April 23 celebrates World Book and Copyright Day under the patronage of UNESCO and inaugurates May of Books, the national campaign to enhance reading as an element of personal growth and collective, promoted by the Center for the book and reading of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism. Two different ways with a common purpose to encourage reading. Because - at least in our opinion - reading unites, broadens horizons, makes us discover unimaginable worlds and predisposes us to overcome geographical and mental boundaries, towards freedom of thought and opinion.
We hope many of you will come!