Visit Galatina
Sunday 24 March2019

Photographic walk in Galatina

At 16.30 the groups Canon Club Puglia, Nikon Club Puglia and Fotovagando - Photographic Association - will meet in Galatina in Piazza Dante Alighieri for a walk in the historic center

 Sunday, March 24 at 4:30 pm the groups Canon Club Puglia (Reflex & Mirrorless), Nikon Club Puglia (Reflex & Mirrorless) and Fotovagando - Photographic Association - will meet in Galatina (LE) in Piazza Dante Alighieri for a walk in the historic center of the cradle of tarantismo.

Among pasticciotti and many shots for the alleys and courtyards, the walk will end at the Pietro Cavoti Museum to see all together the photographic exhibition Works Beyond Gender organized by Coordinazione Donne Acli Lecce and Archeoclub Terra d'Arneo with the support of the photographers of Fotovagando - Photographic Association - and sponsored by the National Association of Domiad Photo Network and national and regional institutional bodies.
The event is a FREE and OPEN photographic output for EVERYONE, both amateurs and professionals as well as their accompanying persons, but it is mandatory to complete the registration form by all those present: IOx6BNfIBEx9ge533
All participants are invited to post photos of the release in the two regional groups Canon Club Puglia and Nikon Club Puglia where the best photos will be awarded.
The purpose of this event is to get to know each other personally and share this passion of ours together. So don't be afraid to participate! We are waiting for you!
Referrals of the event on the spot: Daniele Mercadante Adry Conte and Giuseppe Candido