Visit Galatina
Tuesday 31 December2019

Capodanno 2020 PepeNero

Pepe Nero

Pepe Nero organizes New Year's Eve dinner with menus for € 100 per person with live music by Gabriele Papadia from X-Factor. After dinner music by DJ Alex Sisto. Str. Vicinale Due Trappeti, Galatina. 9:00 pm

New Year's Eve Dinner Menu 2019

- Scottona sirloin cooked in salt with green rocket sauce, dried tomato in oil and grated cheese
- Salted goat cheesecake, sbriciolona with leccine black olives, roasted cardoncelli and crispy culatello
- Muffin of sieglinde potatoes, butter and black summer truffle, pungent larded asparagus and pea sprouts

- Creamy risotto with goat cheese, peas, Roman bacon and dehydrated tomato powder
- Ricotta raviolaccio, cream of yellow cherry tomatoes, fillet tartar and watercress

- Herb scottona fillet with rustic baked potatoes and Lyonnaise sauce
- Cotechino and good luck lentils

- Cottage cheese cream with chestnut honey on elderberry red fruit culis, pandoro clouds and almond brittle
- Panettone

- Bottled wine Cantine Paolo Leo

€ 100.00 per person

Info and reservations at: +39 329 6884965

Pepe Nero, Str. Vicinale Due Trappeti (0.50 km)

73013 Galatina